Global Childrens Fund Selected the following Not For Profit Organisations to work with.
Global Childrens Fund has proudly partnered with
_______________________________________________ Organic Matters Foundation Organic Matters Foundation (OMF) provides South Pacific farmers a viable, sustainable alternative to mainstream farming practices and chemical inputs in agriculture. This alternative delivers benefits directly to farming groups and their communities. The Foundation shares culturally appropriate learning experiences transferring sustainable and ecological farming methodology to those most in need. Wherever we go, we identify potential in country teachers – path breakers – who we then teach all we know so they may share the good news on sustainable and ecological agriculture with their community. Organic Matters Foundation is a NGO with a difference. We draw expertise on sustainable and ecological agriculture from all practices, sharing with farmers across the Pacific and Australia. Our mission is to ensure that from the largest to the smallest of farmers have access to grass roots farming ethos and practices, reminding them what they already know.
_______________________________________________ Ardoch Youth Foundation is a charity that provides education support for children and young people in disadvantaged communities. Ardoch has provided education support to children and young people in disadvantaged communities for over 25 years. The work of Ardoch began in 1988 with founder Kathy Hilton OAM’s determination to see a 17-year-old girl experiencing homelessness stay at school and complete her education. Since then, Ardoch has helped thousands of children and young people to stay at school, receive a helping hand with their education and have access to more choices and opportunities in life. Our primary objective is to build the capacity of schools, early years services and communities to deliver targeted programs that will improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people in areas of high need and enable them to access learning, stay in school and reach their full potential. Ardoch works with thousands of children and young people in schools and early years services in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.
Every child’s and young person’s potential is realised through full participation in education
Mission As outlined in Ardoch’s theory of change, our mission is to:
form long-term partnerships with schools and early years services in disadvantaged communities
develop and deliver innovative learning and wellbeing programs based on data and evidence
mobilise volunteers to support children’s learning
partner with organisations to build a network of support for schools and early years services
advocate for policy change and funding to reduce inequity in education